Until the TrueType Font is perfected, using the SignWriting script on computers requires a SignWriting Icon Server to generate the PNG and SVG images.
The SignWriting Icon Server is an open source project that is easy to install with very modest requirements of PHP, PDO SQLite, and the GD graphics library.
Each SignWriting Icon Server provides static or customized versions of the available plugins.
The main public SignWriting Icon Server is available on Wikimedia Labs.
The plugins automatically convert Formal SignWriting strings into grammatically correct SignWriting Text.
Each SignWriting Icon Server provides several plugins to support SignWriting Text. The customized plugins embed the server url in the code. The static plugins use the experimental TrueType Font rather than the server side images.
The SignWriting Styled Viewer uses jQuery, HTML and CSS to create styled SignWriting Text.
The SignWriting Thin Viewer is a micro library written in 1.5K of stand alone JavaScript.
The SignWriting Font Viewer is written in JavaScript and uses temporary Unicode characters on plane 15. The font can be locally installed or streamed from a server.
The SignWriting Gadget is a custom script for MediaWiki software.
Each SignWriting Icon Server can support an arbitrary number of websites. This server uses the following URL: http://swis.wmflabs.org/
The SignWriting Styled Viewer is written in JavaScript and requires the jQuery library for CSS integration.
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js">
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/signwriting_styled.js">
The SignWriting Thin Viewer is a micro library written in 1.5K of stand alone JavaScript.
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/signwriting_thin.js">
The SignWriting HTML Template includes two small files: a nearly blank HTML document and the SignWriting Thin Viewer.
The SignWriting Bootstrap Template includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. It is an adaptive template using SignWriting built on top of a Twitter Bootstrap example.
The SignWriting Font Viewer is written in JavaScript and uses temporary Unicode characters on plane 15. The font can be locally installed or streamed from a server.
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/signwriting_text.js">
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/signwriting_font.js">
The SignWriring Gadget is a custom script for MediaWiki software. Utilizing the SignWriting Icon Server available on Wikimedia Labs, this script updates the page view on the client side. The gadget has been enabled by default on Wikimedia Incubator. Other sites can add a user script.
Bookmark this link to the SignWriting Thin Viewer. For easier access, place this bookmark on the toolbar. You may be able to drag the link onto the bookmark toolbar, if the toolbar is visible.
Use anywhere online where you find the ASCII code of Formal SignWriting.
Create or edit a bookmark with the following line of Javascript as the location or url of the bookmark.
- javascript:(function(node){var%20u='http://swis.wmflabs.org/',v='1.0.0-rc.2',s1,s2,d,p,r,r2,o,f;r=/(A(S[123][0-9a-f]{2}[0-5][0-9a-f])+)?[BLMR]([0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})(S[123][0-9a-f]{2}[0-5][0-9a-f][0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})*|S38[7-9ab][0-5][0-9a-f][0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3}/g;r2=/[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3}/g;o={};o.L=-1;o.R=1;f=function(m){var%20x,x1=500,x2=500,y,y1=500,y2=500,k,w,h,l;k=m.charAt(0);m.replace(r2,function($0){x=parseInt($0.slice(0,3));y=parseInt($0.slice(4,7));x1=Math.min(x1,x);x2=Math.max(x2,x);y1=Math.min(y1,y);y2=Math.max(y2,y);});if(k=='S'){x2=1000-x1;y2=1000-y1;}w=x2-x1;h=y2-y1;l=o[k]||0;l=l*75+x1-400;return%20'<div%20style="padding:10px;position:relative;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-origin:content-box;width:'+w+'px;height:'+h+'px;left:'+l+'px;background-image:url(\''+u+'glyphogram.php?font=svg&text='+m+'\');"><span%20style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;font-size:0%;height:inherit;">'+m+'%20</span></div>';};function%20fswReplace(node){if(node.nodeType==3){s1=node.nodeValue;s2=s1.replace(r,f);if(s1!=s2){p=node.parentNode;d=document.createElement('div');d.innerHTML=s2;p.replaceChild(d,node);}}else{var%20nodes;if(node.nodeName!='TEXTAREA')nodes=node.childNodes;if(nodes){var%20i=nodes.length;while(i--)fswReplace(nodes[i]);}}};if(!node||!node.nodeType)node=document.body;fswReplace(node);})();
The SignWriting HTML Template includes two small files: a nearly blank HTML document and the SignWriting Thin Viewer.
The SignWriting Bootstrap Template includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. It is an adaptive template using SignWriting built on top of a Twitter Bootstrap example.
SignWriting Text uses strings of characters to form words that represent signs.
Submitted to the IETF, draft-slevinski-formal-signwriting is available for review.
Modern SignWriting explains the character encoding model of SignWriting Text, stable since January 12th, 2012.
The TrueType Font implementation is not production ready yet. The proof of concept has several issues and is prone to crashing. Development continues...
Download and install the TrueType Font
Smart font development by Eduardo Trapani: iswa.ttf, 6.1MB Github Source
The TrueType Font works with Graphite
Enable Graphite in the Firefox Browser for testing and development: instructions